Thanks for the NRSV recommendation NikL and SBF.
I'm partial to using Biblegateway, it's easy to use and provides close to 50 different translations including four different NRSVs!
for those that still care to read the bible of course.
those that don't, please keep the snarky comments to yourselves :-).
i am assuming nwt is not very popular?.
Thanks for the NRSV recommendation NikL and SBF.
I'm partial to using Biblegateway, it's easy to use and provides close to 50 different translations including four different NRSVs!
i'm think with the president having the ability to use nuclear weapons the need for a psychological exam should be a must for world safety because of the very real damage an easily offended narcissist could do if in a narcissistic rage he had access to nuclear weapons.
since he has clearly shown he has all 100% of the signs that he is one,, surely he can be impeached over this even in conservative run house and senate.
i think the united states owes the world that precaution to not let a mad man have access to nuclear weapons.
just fine,
Out of all the things I worry about - this isn't even on the list. I think he talks tough, but is not going to destroy the world.
No just fine things are not going to be just fine.
I'm worried about this nation going down not the rest of the world blowing up.
i'm think with the president having the ability to use nuclear weapons the need for a psychological exam should be a must for world safety because of the very real damage an easily offended narcissist could do if in a narcissistic rage he had access to nuclear weapons.
since he has clearly shown he has all 100% of the signs that he is one,, surely he can be impeached over this even in conservative run house and senate.
i think the united states owes the world that precaution to not let a mad man have access to nuclear weapons.
In other words the US Pres. cant decide to launch launch Nuclear weapons completely on their own.
That's not true. I suggest you watch the video above particularly from 1:50 onward where General Hayden said "that the system [for launch] was designed for speed and decisiveness it's not designed to debate the decision".
i'm think with the president having the ability to use nuclear weapons the need for a psychological exam should be a must for world safety because of the very real damage an easily offended narcissist could do if in a narcissistic rage he had access to nuclear weapons.
since he has clearly shown he has all 100% of the signs that he is one,, surely he can be impeached over this even in conservative run house and senate.
i think the united states owes the world that precaution to not let a mad man have access to nuclear weapons.
China has about 250 nuclear weapons. That is not enough to destroy the planet or even provide a credible first strike against thousands of targets. Also, they may keep quiet about them but the U.S. is capable of figuring it out.
I also don't think that a smaller power - like who? - would strike first with just a handful of nukes. No small power is likely to have intercontinental range for its nuke. North Korea is claiming to which is enough reason to fry their asses off.
i'm think with the president having the ability to use nuclear weapons the need for a psychological exam should be a must for world safety because of the very real damage an easily offended narcissist could do if in a narcissistic rage he had access to nuclear weapons.
since he has clearly shown he has all 100% of the signs that he is one,, surely he can be impeached over this even in conservative run house and senate.
i think the united states owes the world that precaution to not let a mad man have access to nuclear weapons.
Trump's instability and inconsistency may prompt some other world leader to conclude nuclear weapons are their best option. It could be Russia, China, Pakistan, Iran... who know
It's not likely to be anyone but Russia because it's only them who have sufficient nuclear weapons to take us on.
i'm think with the president having the ability to use nuclear weapons the need for a psychological exam should be a must for world safety because of the very real damage an easily offended narcissist could do if in a narcissistic rage he had access to nuclear weapons.
since he has clearly shown he has all 100% of the signs that he is one,, surely he can be impeached over this even in conservative run house and senate.
i think the united states owes the world that precaution to not let a mad man have access to nuclear weapons.
While I agree with slimboyfat's statements what I'm afraid of isn't that Trump will start a nuclear war but that he would not respond to a Russian nuclear first strike. Like all bullies, he is a coward at heart who has never had to confront someone equal to or superior to him.
If the opportunity presents itself to Putin then he will take advantage of it. He has sized Trump up pretty well.
it's no secret that both remaining a jw or leaving the wts can take a toll on mental health.
some will suffer from depression and ultimately some will have thoughts of suicide and a few will succumb to those.. but i don't recall ever seeing any hard stats or studies on it though.
i'm sure we all know of some people who have committed suicide but i don't know if, because you may have loose association with a much larger pool of people through the religion, that this only seems higher or maybe not be actually higher than the general population.. what i mean is, you go to a kh here there maybe 100-150 people, you attend circuit and district conventions with many tens of thousands - if any one person commits suicide then you likely hear about it and it becomes part of the anecdotal 'evidence' that is then put forward as a fact that there is a higher rate ... but is there?.
It was an attempted suicide by a JW adolescent that provoked me (after my disfellowshipping) to overturn the table holding the emblems at the memorial. I didn't care what they thought of me.
i'm think with the president having the ability to use nuclear weapons the need for a psychological exam should be a must for world safety because of the very real damage an easily offended narcissist could do if in a narcissistic rage he had access to nuclear weapons.
since he has clearly shown he has all 100% of the signs that he is one,, surely he can be impeached over this even in conservative run house and senate.
i think the united states owes the world that precaution to not let a mad man have access to nuclear weapons.
Doesn't change the fact that he won through the democratic process.
So was Adolf Hitler until he destroyed Germany's democratic system.
Brokeback Watchtower,
There has to be some safeguards in countries with nuclear weapons to limit a mad man access to them.
The "safeguard" is the democratic process
Nuclear arms are not launched with a vote from the people.
just fine,
It's not like Hilary was any better.
Yes, she was, no matter how abysmal the choice was. Those who say that Trump was the lesser of two evils don't understand the meaning of the word evil. Those who simply couldn't tolerate neither could have voted for a third party or not voted at all. That would be morally better than enabling something evil.
As far as I am concerned there should be an extensive personality, knowledge, and IQ tests for any presidential candidate. You need far more qualifications to be a manager of a business than to be the President of the United States.
it's no secret that both remaining a jw or leaving the wts can take a toll on mental health.
some will suffer from depression and ultimately some will have thoughts of suicide and a few will succumb to those.. but i don't recall ever seeing any hard stats or studies on it though.
i'm sure we all know of some people who have committed suicide but i don't know if, because you may have loose association with a much larger pool of people through the religion, that this only seems higher or maybe not be actually higher than the general population.. what i mean is, you go to a kh here there maybe 100-150 people, you attend circuit and district conventions with many tens of thousands - if any one person commits suicide then you likely hear about it and it becomes part of the anecdotal 'evidence' that is then put forward as a fact that there is a higher rate ... but is there?.
They had a previous non-JW life,they have something to go back to..
That leaves me in a twilight zone between born in and converted. I was converted at 13 and stayed until 21. I had nothing to go back to but I did, in the back of my mind, think that it was possible to just leave. Also, my social skills are atrocious.
it's no secret that both remaining a jw or leaving the wts can take a toll on mental health.
some will suffer from depression and ultimately some will have thoughts of suicide and a few will succumb to those.. but i don't recall ever seeing any hard stats or studies on it though.
i'm sure we all know of some people who have committed suicide but i don't know if, because you may have loose association with a much larger pool of people through the religion, that this only seems higher or maybe not be actually higher than the general population.. what i mean is, you go to a kh here there maybe 100-150 people, you attend circuit and district conventions with many tens of thousands - if any one person commits suicide then you likely hear about it and it becomes part of the anecdotal 'evidence' that is then put forward as a fact that there is a higher rate ... but is there?.
Jeff Davies,
Whether there is a higher suicide rate from ex JW's I actually doubt though... it takes a lot of strength of character to leave everything you know behind; not the actions of a person who gives up the fight easily.
My thoughts exactly on the strength of character. However, some ex-JWs have been kicked or dropped out for other reasons than apostasy which don't involve character.